In the original Artist Inspired course we looked at the work of various male artists from history to revitalise and enrich our art.
This is Artist Inspired II: 'The Women'.
Dive into a diverse mix of female artists from past and present, explore their ideas and techniques, play and experiment to your heart's content...
...and use what you learn to develop the unique voice of your own art.
“I love how you fit in so much inspiring and useful teaching in a way that is simple & clean – and therefore visually digestible online. Your presence and humor comes through wonderfully in your work & video commentary, in a way keeps us focused on the art. And I really appreciate the insightful details like "if you loved this artist, you may like" and the lists of words to keep in mind when experimenting with each artist's approach. Brilliant!””
Elizabeth Teal
“I feel as though I have a lot more options available to me with regards to style and I have a much better idea of how to abstractify my art. I was so tired of copying other artists and trying so hard to get it perfect, and now I don’t have to anymore and I’m happy about that.”
Carol Gey van Pittius
When I had the idea for the original Artist Inspired, it was sparked by both the experience and observation that two things often happen to us as artists:
- We get stuck in ruts and feel uninspired at times
- While it's natural and even helpful to be inspired by other artists, it can be hard to do so without copying them or being overly influenced, and losing our own voice in the process
I knew these were frequent concerns, from my own practice, and from observing and talking to others. I wanted to find out how to allow other artists to inspire me - and to enjoy the fascinating wealth of art history - without copying them. So I created the course to showcase the work of some of the greatest artists in history and find ways to learn from them while developing our own artist voices. I didn't think about it much at the time, but all the artists I chose were men!
This 'sequel course' redresses the balance, with a selection of women artists, both contemporary and historical, whose work is powerful and distinctive, and whose techniques and ideas we can certainly borrow and play with while navigating our own journeys as artists.
“I loved every single lesson!! My passion is growing and I know what colors and some paint strokes I am drawn to. I feel braver.”
Mary Ann Echols

What you'll learn
- Key points about the life and background of each artist
- Insights into their processes that you can borrow and experiment with
- A variety of ways to begin a painting
- How to adopt an experimental approach that encourages confident exploration
- What the artists felt about their work and how that can inform your own
- How to take aspects of another artist's work and go beyond copying to adapt and develop them into your own
- Techniques used by the artists that you can translate into your own work, such as adding gold leaf, using different types of tools, and working from photos
- What materials can be used to create different effects and types of art
- How to think laterally about what inspires you and step outside your own boundaries
- How to use key words to focus your painting
- That even the most successful, experienced and talented artists had to deal with demons too
- How to use apps to develop a painting
- How to deal with paintings that just don't work
"Just wanted to say how well set out and easy to use the course is! Great idea with you painting with their influences too! I'm loving the Marlene Dumas, bit, she's been an idol of mine for a while! It's inspired me to get back to inks and simplify my sometimes overworked paintings! Thank you."
Deidre Bruhn